Happy Birthday, Alexis! I can't believe you're 5 years old today. It has been such a joy to watch you grow into such a sweet, smart, funny little girl. Sometimes it's hard to believe you're only 5, as you can have an attitude like a teenager, but when I see you snuggled up to me in your bed I know you're definitely my little girl still. We love you!
February 14, 2004Febraury 5, 2009
Alexis had a good birthday today. Sherri made her a cozy blanket and cupcakes while they were at her house. After work she opened her presents from us (a Barbie scooter and Barbie fishing pole), then we all went to Build a Bear and to Billy McHale's for dinner. The only downfall of the day was the fall she took on the sidewalk, scraping up her leg big time and the hives that keep appearing on her body! You should have seen her lip at Build a Bear. She looked like Angelina Jolie. Luckily some Benadryl took care of it and we're seeing the dr on Monday to see if we can figure out what keeps causing this. Here's some pictures of our evening.
3 days ago